Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight
Moon Sign Insight with Tati Petkovic
EP77: OBSESSIVE, LIBERATING & INTENSE / How the first week of Scorpio Season will affect you 🌊

EP77: OBSESSIVE, LIBERATING & INTENSE / How the first week of Scorpio Season will affect you 🌊

10.21.2024 — 10.27.2024 / The astrology of limerence, and why you could still be obsessed with your ex
Photo © Tati Petkovic

This episode is usually a paid VIP member only episode, yet I’ve made it free for a limited time!

Dear friend,

Are you ready for a shift in energy?

Scorpio season begins this week, and this season isn't about staying on the surface—we're diving into the depths of our emotions, our shadows, and our most hidden truths.

Scorpio season is where the magic of rebirth happens, where we shed those old layers, and really get real with ourselves about what we've been avoiding.

You might feel a pull to explore your own shadow, confront fears, or get into some serious soul-searching.

This is the time to let go of what’s been holding you back, whether it's an old pattern, a toxic relationship, or even outdated versions of yourself.

There's no hiding from the truth during this season—it’s all about getting raw and real.

Now, don’t worry—this week isn’t all heavy.

There’s also this fun, with some spontaneous energy coming in!

Expect some unexpected surprises, especially around things that light you up—think fun dates, spontaneous outings, or even creative bursts!

This is the week to shed old layers, and start opening yourself up to call in new opportunties!

You can listen to this week’s podcast episode for a limited time above!


0:00 / The transits for this week

14:43 / The astrology of limerence, and why you could be obsessed with an ex

34:25 / Your Tarot Reading for this week

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🪐 Tuesday October 22nd

This day kicks off Scorpio season, shifting the energy from Libra’s light, social vibe into Scorpio’s intense, emotionally charged focus.

With the Sun in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn right before the Sun moves into Scorpio, relationships come under the microscope—pushing you to confront control issues, obsessions, and power struggles.

It's a day of purging—whether that means releasing a toxic dynamic or reassessing your emotional attachments.

The energy may feel intense, but it’s also a chance for deep transformation in your approach to relationships.

A supportive aspect between Mercury in Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces helps you process emotions constructively, such as through therapy or deep conversations.

This is the time to really let things go!

We’re still feeling the intensity of the Full Moon in Aries this week, yet we have more support to emotionally process what’s coming up for us.

🪐 Friday October 25th

This is a lighter, more spontaneous day, bringing unexpected yet welcome surprises!

Mars in Cancer is sextile Uranus in Taurus, creating opportunities for emotional breakthroughs or sudden shifts in your routine.

You might find yourself inspired to try something new, whether it’s a surprise date, trying new food, a spontaneous creative project, or redecorating your space!

This transit favours emotional clarity and finding stability through unexpected changes. It's a day for taking action in a way that feels emotionally satisfying yet freeing.

Expect the unexpected, and enjoy the excitement it brings—this energy invites fun and new perspectives!

This is just a small preview—you can listen to this week’s full podcast episode above!

Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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💫 The astrology behind limerance

In this week’s podcast episode, I go through the astrology of limerance, and why you could be obsessed around an ex.

I share what I did for myself to heal through this to let this energy go and feel more loved and at peace on my own, and what I needed to learn through my birth chart.

You can listen to it above!


On Wednesday October 30th at 6pm EST we’ll be:

+ Going through how the New Moon in Scorpio will impact your specific birth chart!
+ Sharing to what’s been happening for you in community to make more magickal, like-minded, kind, and caring friends!
+ Give a reading, get a tarot or oracle reading during this event for a guided message you need!
+ Learn to tap into the power of this new moon to call in your manifestations!

Come join us!

Replays are available!

I'M IN!!!


+ There are only 2 SPOTS LEFT for Birth Chart Readings in October! Dive deep into your career, relationships, life path, generational patterns, blind spots, strengths and challenges. Save your spot here!

+ Grow your spiritual wellness business in a sustainable way, without the burn out in 2025! Tap into the power of astrology, social media strategy, brand strategy, energetics and mindset work to holistically be prepared to make 2025 your best year yet! Apply for the BOLDEST YOU Mentorship here.

Thanks for being here friend!

How are you feeling with this energy?

I’d love to know!

Much love always,

I share more astrological updates and insight on my Instagram stories. Follow me along there!

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Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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