Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight
Moon Sign Insight with Tati Petkovic


10.01.2024 — 10.31.2024 / How do you know you have a frenemy?
Photo © Tati Petkovic

Get a sneak peak into the VIP paid membership with this month’s astrology forecast podcast! You can listen to it above for a limited time!

Dear friend,

Are you ready for your next era?

I’m personally excited for October’s astrology!

It may bring you the plot twist you need to change up the rest of your year!

We’ll still be in eclipse season for the beginning of the month!

You’ll have a powerful new beginning with a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd!

This is a story that’s been unfolding for you since April 19, 2023.

Eclipse season can speed up time, and bring in chaotic and fated events.

That Lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17th helped you purge something from your life—and now, there’s space for a new beginning to take place!

Major themes from 2013-2016 will reappear, yet you’re seeing things in a 180 perspective.

You can listen to this month’s free overview podcast episode for a limited time above! I also gave you a tarot reading of what energy to embrace for October!


0:00 / Your October Astrology overview

9:06 / Transits of the week

18:02 / Shifting from Frenemies to Soulmate Friends

28:36 / Your Tarot Reading for October

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🪐 Monday September 23rd

Turn up the intensity dial!

Venus enters Scorpio on Monday, shifting how we collectively show love and affection!

Love can be seen through an attentive gaze, a shared secret, or a deep conversation around your childhood.

Venus in Scorpio shows us adoration can be fixation— just don’t take it too far into obsession.

🪐 Tuesday September 24th

Expect the unexpected on Tuesday!

You might receive a surprise message from someone this day!

Mercury in Virgo is trine Uranus in Taurus, shaking up our thinking and communication.

This energy is great to brainstorm ideas! You could get a breakthrough that helps you change something in regards to your routine, schedule, health, money, environment or artistic practice!

This energy feels revitalizing!

🪐 Wednesday September 25th

Wednesday feels misty, dreamy and confusing!

Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, leaving us feeling like we’re not seeing something clearly.

There can be miscommunication or unclear instructions this day.
It’s a good time to double-check everything!

This energy can also feel quite draining and tiring, so be sure to schedule in rest if you can!

You can however, use this energy to your advantage by meditating, or tuning into a visualization of your dream life!

🪐 Thursday September 26th

Secrets can be revealed!

On Thursday, Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn, transforming our thinking and communication.

Someone could let some information slip!

You could get into a deep conversation that makes someone really open up to you.

On the same day, Mercury, the planet of thinking in communication enters Libra— shifting our focus on finding harmony and balance in our relationships. You could see more people wanting to keep the peace.

A lot more conversations could focus on design, justice, relationship dynamics, money, beauty and love.

🪐 Saturday September 29th

It’s time to let go of people-pleasing!

Mercury and the Sun in Libra are conjunct the south node in Libra on Saturday, bringing out our karmic lessons to the forefront.

You could feel the need to let go of something this weekend— or something in your life can be forced out.

This might be a day where you decide to distance yourself from a relationship, or feel tested to let go of any co-dependant habits or behaviours.

Are you being honest about your desires?

Which relationships are showing up for you, and which arn’t?

I’ll be back next week with your Solar Eclipse in Libra forecast, and what this powerful new beginning looks like to you!

Have you ever had a frenemy?

In this podcast episode, I go through my experience of dealing with unsupportive, dismissive, toxic friends, and what I did to attract more ALIGNED, FULFILLING & UPLIFTING friendships into my life!

I go through the struggle of how painful a friendship breakup can be.

I share what’s helped me the most it attracting the most SUPPORTIVE group of friends I’ve ever had in my life.

You can listen to October’s astrology forecast podcast episode for free for a limited time above!

Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Important Dates for October 🗓

October 2nd / Solar Eclipse in Libra
October 9th / Jupiter in Gemini turns retrograde
October 12th / Pluto in Capricorn stations direct
October 13th / Mercury enters Scorpio
October 17th / Full Moon in Aries
October 17th / Venus enters Sagittarius
October 22nd / Scorpio season begins

Related resources

Your 2024 Horoscope

Your Libra season horoscope

Finding your Fulfillment: Embracing the Nodes of Fate



time is sped up
the inevitable happens
yet I don’t know
if we’ll end up
back together

I just want
some certainty

the only clarity I have
is that
I have to work,
& serve my purpose
to make money
to live

that’s important
that’s great

when do I
find peace
without you

Eclipse season from Revisions of the Moon

From the Archive


+ Want to discover your PAST LIVES in astrology?

Dive into your north & south node in my Finding your Fulfillment course: Embracing the Nodes of Fate in your relationships and career! Join before October 2nd to attend the LIVE Q&A where I pull up your birth chart!

+ I just have 10 spots left for Birth Chart readings and Solar Return (Birthday) readings for 2024! You can grab one of the last spots here.

+ Want to uncover your eclipse story from 2013-2016? Join me and the Moon Sign Creative Community for a powerful Eclipse Revelations event on October 3rd at 7pm est! Replays are available!

Thanks for being here friend!

Are you looking forward to October’s astrology?

I’d love to know!

Much love always,

I share more astrological updates and insight on my Instagram stories. Follow me along there!

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Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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