Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight
Moon Sign Insight with Tati Petkovic


09.01.2024 — 09.30.2024 / How my past life showed me which patterns to break this lifetime
Photo © Tati Petkovic

Get a sneak peak into the VIP paid membership with this month’s astrology forecast podcast! You can listen to it above for a limited time!

Dear friend,

Are you ready for a pinch of chaos in September?

September’s astrology is a bit less intense than August’s— yet that doesn’t mean it isn’t going to be messy.

I’m actually quite excited for this month’s astrology as it will spice things up.

Mercury retrograde will be over, however, eclipse season will begin!

In September, we’ll be retracing our steps in July and August, as Mercury returns to the same degrees.

Which situations are you seeing differently?

You can listen to your Mercury retrograde horoscope to see what has come into fruition for you!

Eclipse season will be the most pivotal energy of the month, starting a new series of eclipses in the Pisces-Virgo axis on September 18th, with a Lunar eclipse in Pisces.

Eclipse season can speed up time, and bring in chaos and fated events.

Whatever is no longer aligned in your life will get PUSHED OUT.

Themes from 2015-2017 will reappear, yet you’re seeing things in a 180 perspective.

You can listen to this month’s free overview podcast episode for a limited time above! I also gave you a tarot reading of the energy to embrace for September!


0:00 / Your September’s Astrology overview

12:52 / Transits of the week

20:03 / Your Past Life in Astrology

30:21 / Your Tarot Reading for September

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🪐 Tuesday August 27th

On Tuesday, your relationships and money are getting a shakeup!

Venus in Virgo is trine Uranus in Taurus, giving us an epiphany around our values, relationships and money.

You could get a surprise gift, client or go on a spontaneous date!

This energy is exciting and electric!

Themes around our daily routine, health, food, finances or practical world are highlighted, so whether it be changing up your coffee order at a cafe, getting a new plant for your home, or deciding to go on a hike in nature after work, this energy can re-inspire you.

🪐 Wednesday August 28th

Mercury ends its retrograde in the sign of Leo on Wednesday!

Mercury has been retrograde in the signs of Leo and Virgo since August 5th, helping us rethink, reflect and reassess our thinking and communication.

What was happening for you around July 17th 2024?
Are you seeing a situation in a different perspective?

As Mercury stations direct, note that the chance of miscommunication, rescheduling or delays can be heightened this day, so keep double-checking your emails, and asking for clarity and confirmation!

🪐 Thursday August 29th

Romance! Obsession! Beauty!

Venus enters Libra on Thursday, bringing more lightness, romance and balance into our relationships and finances!

This energy is lovely to go on a romantic date, check out a new art gallery, or just have a loving, supportive conversation with a friend!

Venus in Libra immediately trines Pluto in Aquarius, propelling us to transform our perspective around our values, relationships and money in a different way.

The dark side of this energy is obsession and hyper-fixation.

Yet this energy can be used to your advantage by really fleshing out a new budget, dig deep about your feelings around a friendship or romantic relationship, or try out a new artistic medium for your creative practice!

🪐 Sunday September 1st

Expect the unexpected on Sunday!

Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde, helping us collectively reassess our finances, diet, environment, and artistic values.

Uranus is a generational planet, meaning that we don’t feel these transits as intensely as other retrogrades. However, expect some surprises in the Taurus area of your birth chart with this transit!

This energy can be quite shocking!

If you’re an Aquarius rising however, you could feel this energy more, as Uranus is your modern chart ruler.

Pluto also moves back into Capricorn for the last time before it moves back into Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th 2024. It was stay in the sign of Aquarius until 2044.

A secret can be revealed this day.

I spoke more about this in the Astrology of 2024 and your 2024 horoscope!

Listen to September’s free forecast above for a preview of what to expect!

Have you ever wondered how to uncover your past lives in your birth chart?

Maybe you think a person or relationship feels familiar.

Maybe you feel like you’ve already experienced something before.

Maybe you feel like a job feels so natural and easy, yet it’s not bringing you as much excitement and fulfillment that you want.

In this week’s podcast episode, I go through your nodes of fate in astrology, and how to uncover your past lives.

I share how your south node is where you get TRAPPED this lifetime, and how the north node is what will bring you the MOST fulfillment, joy and flow in your relationships and career.

You can listen to the free podcast episode for a limited time above!

Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Important Dates for September 🗓

September 1st / Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde
September 1st / Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn
September 3rd / New Moon in Virgo
September 4th / Mars enters Cancer
September 9th / Mercury enters Virgo
September 18th / Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
September 22nd / Libra season begins
September 23rd / Venus moves into Scorpio
September 26th / Mercury enters Libra

Related resources

Your Virgo season Horoscope

Your Mercury retrograde Horoscope

Your 2024 Horoscope

Finding your Fulfillment: Embracing the Nodes of Fate



I’ll tell you now that
it’s not easy
to break the string
that binds us
we have tasted
what love
can actually be

this moment in time
shall pass
just remember

nothing will ever
be the same

Strands remaining from Revisions of the Moon

From the Archive


+ Want to discover your past lives in astrology?

Dive into your north & south node in my Finding your Fulfillment course: Embracing the Nodes of Fate in your relationships and career! Get it while it’s back and 50% off for a limited time!

+ I’m fully booked for Birth Chart Readings and Solar Return (Birthday) Readings in August and September, yet you can save a spot in October! Grab one of the last spots here.

+ Want to manifest for this New Moon in Virgo? Join me and the Moon Sign Creative Community for a powerful New Moon in Virgo Vision Board Workshop on September 3rd at 6pm est! Replays are available!

Thanks for being here friend!

Are you looking forward to September’s astrology?

I’d love to know!

Much love always,

I share more astrological updates and insight on my Instagram stories. Follow me along there!

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Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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