Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight
Moon Sign Insight with Tati Petkovic
EP62: SHOCKING, DREAMY & MAGNETIC: How the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st will affect you ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒฟ

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EP62: SHOCKING, DREAMY & MAGNETIC: How the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st will affect you ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒฟ

07.15.2024 โ€” 07.21.2024 / How the FEAR OF SUCCESS is holding you back from reaching your dreams
Photo ยฉ Tati Petkovic

Dear friend,

Are you ready to close this chapter of your life?

This weekโ€™s astrology is quite honestly a ROLLERCOASTER, so BUCKLE UP!

We start off the week at the TOP OF THE RIDE, with the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, and Sun in Cancer square to Chiron in Aries.

This energy is INTENSE, emotional, and can have you feeling physically drained.

Prioritize self care this week!

Go for a walk.
Scream into a pillow.
Work out.

This week, Mercury also starts its shadow period in the sign of Leo, and Mars moves into Gemini, shifting how we work and date.

We end off the week screaming with relief, with our final Full Moon in Capricorn this summer. This will help you gain clarity on what you need to release and let go of.

This Full Moon in Capricorn is a great one to manifest with, and is actually quite lucky!

I dove deep into what to expect from the astrology this week, and how to use this Full Moon energy to your advantage in this weekโ€™s podcast episode above!


๐Ÿช Monday July 15th

I highly recommend not overbooking yourself on Monday!

The 15th is INTENSE.

We have Mars conjunct Uranus in the sign of Taurus, giving us some surprises when it comes to money, artistic practice, food, anger, and our environments.

People can get upset or angry.

Now, weโ€™re already feeling a build up of this energy over the last few days.

Yet if youโ€™re not taking care of yourself, this could look like having an emotional breakdown.

The Sun in Cancer is square to Chiron in Aries, bringing up old wounds around our sense of worthiness.

This can feel triggering, yet this pain is coming up for us to heal.

A situation could bruise your ego, or you could feel insecure about an event.

However, a beautiful way to see this energy is that you could receive a breakthrough around how you earn your money, and what safety actually looks like to you.

How can you remind yourself you are safe?
How can you remind yourself you are worthy, just as you are?

๐Ÿช Tuesday July 16th

Are you ready to kick-up the drama this summer?

Mercury enters its shadow period on Tuesday at 21ยฐ of Leo.

Take note of what happens for you this day.

The Mercury shadow period is the time before Mercury begins itโ€™s retrograde, yet the themes of this in-between space will reoccur for you during Mercury retrograde.

Mercury retrogrades are times of reflection, revisions and reevaluations, especially when it comes to our thinking and communication. Technical issues, miscommunication and revisiting past events are common themes.

Mercury retrograde officially begins on August 4th at 4ยฐ of Virgo.

Iโ€™ll be going deeper on this energy in next weekโ€™s podcast, so stay tuned for that!

๐Ÿช Thursday July 18th

We have some lovely energy on Thursday!

The Sun in Cancer is sextile Uranus in Taurus, giving us some breakthroughs around our identity and how we nurture ourselves.

Embrace spontaneity, and any downloads you receive this day!

This could look like getting a surprise around your family, home, food, money or environment.

You could have a healing conversation with Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries.

Perhaps a phone call with a friend has them encouraging you to go after your dreams, or you get more recognition for the creative, expressive work youโ€™ve been doing!

Embrace your passion and vulnerability, as it will feel super cathartic.

๐Ÿช Saturday July 20th

Mars enters Gemini on Saturday, shifting how we work and date until September 4th.

Collaboration, communication and curiosity will be highlighted in our work culture and dating lives.

In terms of dating, this energy is a lot more flirty and conversational! Yet I will say some people could become a bit more hot and cold.

In terms of work, this energy is lovely for communication work, marketing and idea generation.

Iโ€™ll be doing a deep dive into this energy on next weekโ€™s podcast, so stay tuned for that!

๐Ÿช Sunday July 21st

Our second Full Moon in Capricorn of this summer begins on Sunday at 29ยฐ of Capricorn!

This energy is quite intense with this Full Moon at an anoretic degree, so it can feel a bit more emotional.


Themes around structures, systems, boundaries, work, spiritual partnerships, creative work, and ending karmic cycles are heavily highlighted.

Is there something youโ€™ve been holding off on letting go of since Juneโ€™s Full Moon in Capricorn? Well, this Full moon can give you the PUSH you need!

I dove deep into this Full Moon in Capricorn chart for you in this weekโ€™s podcast episode, you can listen to it above!

If youโ€™re a VIP member, Iโ€™ll be sending your Full Moon in Capricorn theme, journal prompts and affirmations later this week! If you canโ€™t wait, check out your Cancer Season horoscope, where I go through how this Full Moon will affect you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Related episodes

New Moon in Cancer

Cancer season horoscopes

Your 2024 Horoscope

How the fear of success held me back for 2 years, and how I overcame it.

Do you fear that if you achieve more, you wonโ€™t be able to handle it?

Or do you feel that if you gain more success, the people around you will judge you more?

Do you feel like you donโ€™t deserve more success, or arnโ€™t capable of it?

This is the episode for you then!

In this weekโ€™s podcast episode, I dive into how the fear of success held me back for 2 years in my business, and what I did to overcame it. This lead to me having viral videos on Tiktok reaching millions of people, doubling my sales in my business, and feeling more peace and confidence about my journey.

You can listen to it above!


+ Want to learn astrology and become your own astrologer? Learn astrology in a fun, accessible, easy way in my astrology foundations course, Shining as your Authentic Self: from Misunderstood to Seen here.

+ Want to manifest with me? Join me and the Moon Sign Creative Community on Monday, July 22nd at 6pm est for a MAGICKAL Full Moon in Capricorn event! Replays are available!

+ Apply to work with me 1-on-1 for my Boldest You Mentorship program. Join the waitlist here.

+ Iโ€™m fully booked in July! I just have 5 spots left for Birth Chart readings and Solar Return (Birthday) Readings in August, save your spot here!

Thanks for being here friend!

How are you feeling with this energy?

Iโ€™d love to know!

Much love always,

I share more astrological updates and insight on my Instagram stories. Follow me along there!

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This post is for paid subscribers