Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight
Moon Sign Insight with Tati Petkovic


07.01.2024 — 07.31.2024 / Healing through Grief & Loss using Astrology
Photo © Tati Petkovic

Get a sneak peak into the VIP paid membership with this month’s astrology forecast podcast! You can listen to it above for a limited time!

Dear friend,

Are you ready for a shift in energy in July?

With Saturn and Neptune retrograde this month, we’ll be having some deep reflection on our systems, structures and boundaries, and what this means for our spirituality, emotional nurturing, partnerships and connection to the collective.

There is some really lovely energy in July’s astrology, helping us deeply heal, yet having fun, creative, and expressive conversations with our loved ones.

There are a few intense points in July, yet this ultimately will help you gain more breakthroughs on how you handle difficult situations. I share these dates in July’s podcast episode.

We also have a beautiful, healing, supportive New Moon in Cancer happening this week on July 5th, and this is a new moon you WANT to manifest with!

I dove deep into this month’s astrology and what it means for you in July’s podcast episode above.

I also pulled you some tarot cards for more guidance!


🪐 Tuesday July 2nd

On Tuesday, Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces, giving us some compassionate, artistic and empathic conversations.

Some details may be missed, so double-check your emails and ask for clarification if there’s any confusion.

Mercury enters Leo later this day, shifting our communication and thinking to be more passionate, uplifting and creative until July 25th!

The Sun in Cancer also squares the north node in Aries, having us re-evaluate our desires, needs and wants.

Is this really the path that feels aligned to you?

Neptune in Pisces goes retrograde the same day, having us rethink and reflect on our relationship to spirituality, partnerships, our creativity, and our connection to the collective energy.

Neptune is a generational planet, meaning that we don’t feel its retrograde as much as personal planets that are closer to us. However, Pisces placements, especially Pisces risings, would feel this retrograde the most.

🪐 Wednesday July 3rd

On Wednesday, secrets are coming out!

Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius, adding some intensity to our conversations.

Beware of someone trying to manipulate you or gaslight you.

Be cautious, and take some time to decompress, or refocus, as this energy can stir up obsession.

However, you can use this energy to your advantage by doing more investigative, focused work. Just make sure you take time to drink water, eat and take breaks.

🪐 Friday July 5th

On Friday, we have a beautiful New Moon in Cancer happening at 14 degrees!

This one will be quite emotional, supportive and healing!

This is a beautiful new moon to manifest with! If you want to manifest together, join me this Thursday for a New Moon in Cancer manifestation ritual!

I’ll dive deeper into the New Moon in Cancer chart for you later this week.

If you can’t wait, listen to this week’s podcast episode above!

Healing through Grief and Loss through Astrology

In this week’s episode, I open up sharing how I connect with my father through astrology, even after his death.

I go through what to look at in your birth chart, and how this can help you discover your family patterns and how they affect your romantic relationships.

You can listen to the podcast episode above!

Important Dates for July 🗓

July 2nd / Mercury enters Leo
July 2nd / Neptune in Pisces goes retrograde
July 5th / New Moon in Cancer
July 11th / Venus enters Leo
July 20th / Mars enters Gemini
July 21st / Full Moon in Capricorn
July 22nd / Leo season begins
July 25th / Mercury enters Virgo
July 26th / Chiron goes retrograde in Aries

Related resources

Your Cancer season Horoscope

Your 2024 Horoscope

Tap into your innate power using astrology

Birth Chart Readings


Prefer to read this podcast instead?

Substack now has transcripts! Check it out through the tab above!


run away,
push me away
say no more
you’re just afraid
of getting hurt again
you’re just afraid
of what was
you’re just afraid
of responsibility
you’re just afraid
of change
own your actions
own your words
you’re just afraid
of being with someone
who can open your eyes
to see the world
go ahead,
live in the dark
ignore your decisions
forget the world

Coward from Revisions of the Moon

From the Archive


Join the Moon Sign Creative Community on Thursday July 4th at 6pm est for our New Moon in Cancer event! 🌚

Discover where this new moon will impact your birth chart, get a tarot reading, give a tarot reading, and manifest in community!

Replays are available!



+ Discover how to attract more friendships, romantic relationships and business partnerships that make you feel seen, valued and highly appreciated through birth chart. Check out my astrology foundations course, Shining as your Authentic Self: from Misunderstood to Seen here.

+ I just have 2 spots left for Birth chart readings in July! Grab one of the last spots here.

Thanks for being here friend!

Are you looking forward to July’s astrology?

I’d love to know!

Much love always,

I share more astrological updates and insight on my Instagram stories. Follow me along there!

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