Tati Petkovic | Moon Sign Insight
Moon Sign Insight with Tati Petkovic
EP 44: YOUR NEW BEGINNING ❤️‍🔥 How the Astrological New Year / the start of Aries season will affect you

EP 44: YOUR NEW BEGINNING ❤️‍🔥 How the Astrological New Year / the start of Aries season will affect you

03.18.2024 — 03.24.2024 / On trusting the Unknown
Photo © Tati Petkovic

In celebration of the Astrological new year, this usual weekly exclusive paid episode is free!

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Dear friend,

Happy Astrological New Year friend!

Are you ready for a fresh start?

At least, happy early astrological new year— as it’ll be official this Tuesday!

Now, this won’t necessarily be the “freshest” of starts for the astrological new year, as our Mercury retrograde shadow period in the sign of Aries begins today.

Take note as to what happens for you right now, as similar themes will come back around for you in April.

The transition from Pisces season to Aries season is one from murky emotional depth to passion, drive and renewed aspiration.

However, a lot of energy from our past is going to be added into the mix.

We’re also officially in eclipse season!!!

Expect time to feel more sped up with a sprinkle of chaos, and even more intensity.

Eclipses are super charged new moons and full moons.

I’ll go through what eclipse season has in store for you next week.

You can listen to how the energy of the Astrological new year will affect you on this week’s podcast above!

The week ahead

03.18.2024 — 03.24.2024

Important Dates

Monday March 18th

On Monday, Mercury begins its retrograde shadow period in Aries.

Take note of what happens for you right now, as similar themes or conversations with people will come up again on April 25th.

The Mercury retrograde period will be from April 1st to April 25th.

Mercury rules our thinking and communication, and retrogrades can bring in some miscommunication, technical issues and past situations to the forefront.

This upcoming Mercury retrograde in Aries is a bit spicy.

We’ll be reflecting on who we are, our desires, wants, passion and worthiness in the next month.

People can get more impatient, frustrated and blunt with this Mercury retrograde happening in the sign of Aries.

Now is the time to begin to double check your e-mails, contracts, and back up your files.

The moon in Cancer is squaring Chiron in Aries today, having us feel a bit more sensitive and emotional in terms of taking care of ourselves.

What would be super nourishing right now is a good comforting meal, listening to nostalgic music, or deeply resting at home.

Tuesday March 19th

Happy Astrological New Year friend!

Tuesday marks the start of Aries season at 11:07pm EST, and the spring equinox!

The sun is reborn as it transitions to the sign of Aries, as it’s the first sign of the zodiac.

If things have felt stagnant and foggy, Aries season will shine a light and give a burst of passion towards taking action!

Now, this won’t be a usual start to Aries season, as we’re now in the Mercury retrograde shadow period and eclipse season has begun!

This can make this season more reflective, intense, and frustrating.

The moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius today, which can feel uncomfortable and have us feeling exposed.

What we can do for our community as individuals is heavily highlighted right now.

Wednesday March 20th

Midweek, Mercury meets up with Chiron in the sign of Aries, and marks the first full day with the Sun in Aries this week.

You could be having some vulnerable, and intimate conversations midweek, especially around who we are, entrepreneurship, or what you actually want.

Old wounds can arise, especially with our sense of worthiness and what we’re desiring for ourselves.

This ultimately is an opportunity for you to heal past hurt and pain, and self soothe.

Remember, you are worthy just as you are.

The moon in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus today, having us crave affection, creativity and being seen.

This is a great day to send a loving message to someone close to you.

Thursday March 21st

On the 21st, the Sun in Aries is sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, helping us transform how we see ourselves in relation to our community and friendships.

You could be realizing your own unique talents and what sets you apart from those you surround yourself with.

This is a supportive energy of feeling more motivated in understanding that your own personal desires can help the collective.

On the same day, Venus in Pisces is conjunct Saturn in Pisces, helping us reflect on our finances and values, and what’s best for us long-term.

This is a great time to go through your budget, learn about investing, or invest in something that would be spiritually fulfilling for your future.

An expense can come up, or perhaps you might have to set a boundary with a relationship.

We’re reflecting on which relationships feel stable and grounded for us at this time, especially those who are emotionally there for us, and those that arn’t.

The moon in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius this day, which can have us feeling a bit hurt by someone else’s actions.

However, this can help us learn what we need in our friendships and community, and how we can best show up for the people we love.

Friday March 22nd

Mars enters Pisces on Friday March 22nd, and this completely shifts how we collectively approach dating and working.

Mars traditionally is uncomfortable in the sign of Pisces, and can make a bit more wishy-washy and uncertain in taking initiative.

In dating, this can feel uncomfortable if it’s in the early stages of a relationship and you’re still unsure of a specific person.

This is however, still a great energy for more compassion, creativity, and emotional connection in terms of our relationships and work.

Accountability from a coach, mentor, or friend can be helpful right now in getting things done.

Tune into your intuition in terms of when to take action.

Mars will stay in Pisces until April 30th 2024.

Sunday March 24th

We end off the week with a beautiful, uplifting transit!

Venus in Pisces is sextile Jupiter in Taurus, helping us feel more expansive and lucky towards our relationships and finances.

This could be a time when you receive a gift, or just loving words from someone close to you!

This is a wonderful day to tune into your spiritual practice, make art, or just connect with uplifting, emotionally supportive friends!

The moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, making us feel a bit more confused, dreamy, and sleepy.

Take some time to recharge, plan your week ahead, and get some social and spiritual rest.

Check out your in-depth forecast for this week on this week’s podcast episode above!

Related episodes

Your March Astrological Forecast

Your Pisces season horoscope

Your 2024 Horoscope

Grow your soul-aligned business using astrology

Trusting the unknown 🚪

In this podcast episode, I share a story of how I had to trust the unknown to get a new opportunity that was much more aligned for me when I was working as a Designer.

I go through how fortune favours the bold, and why my life changed when I really deeply listened to my intuition.

I make the comparison between this story, and the transition from Pisces season to Aries season to highlight this week’s energy for you.

You can listen to the episode above!


On Tuesday, March 26th at 7pm EST we’ll be:

+ Diving deep into how this specific Lunar eclipse in Libra will impact your birth chart
+ Uncovering your eclipse story through a time travel art ritual that goes back years ago, to understand the major themes that will happen for you this year
+ Sharing to what’s been happening for you in community to connect with magickal, like-minded, kind, and caring friends!
+ Learn more astrology through the breakdown of this Lunar Eclipse in Libra chart live!


Replays are available!


+ I’m hosting an Astrology trip to COSTA RICA this November!!!! EEKKK!!! Early bird tickets just dropped!!! 🤩 Save your spot here!

+ Want to learn astrology to transform your life? Check out my newest course, Shining as your Authentic Self: from Misunderstood to Highly Appreciated here.

I hope you have an amazing start to your new year friend!

I’ll be back with your Aries season horoscopes soon!

Sending you so much love,

I share more astrological updates and insight on my Instagram stories. Follow me along there!

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